The Confederated Tribes of Siletz strives to provide opportunities for Tribal members to reach full potential, establish independence and improve quality of life through lifelong learning and education. The Siletz Tribes have implemented several educational programs to help ensure that all members have the opportunity to receive an education. The Siletz have a Head Start Program that is dedicated to help young children ages three to four prepare for public school. This early childhood developmental program emphasizes education, health, social services, cultural enrichment as well as parent involvement. The Head Start Program places children in a structured classroom environment four times a week for three and a half hour intervals.
The Confederated Tribes of Siletz also have established educational programs for members in grades K-12. The Supplemental Education Program also known as the Johnson O’Malley is designed to support Indian students with their intellectual growth. In addition to this the program can help improve the students physical, social, and emotional growth. The program offers tutoring, recreational activities, college preparation classes, and opportunities for cultural enrichment.
The Siletz offer a Higher Education Program to their tribal members. The program provides educational scholarships to eligible Siletz Members. The Higher Education Program was created to help members have the opportunity to continue their education beyond high school. In addition to the Higher Education Program there are other scholarships available to Siletz Tribal Members such as the Arthur S. Bensell Memorial Scholarship, Pepsi-Craig Whitehead Scholarship, Siletz Scholarship and the Morris K. Udell Foundation Scholarships.